What to Expect

Apprehension about the first time you meet your therapist can be a bit overwhelming for some. Here at MassageNetics, we offer a complimentary consultation with any perspective client. We want to get to know you and your specific need. This is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have about our services and any concerns.

Once the consultation is complete, your therapist will discuss treatment options that would best suit your specific area of concern, schedule your first full session and provide options to save on future sessions by purchasing package deals.

After your consultation, you will know exactly what to expect on your first session. For your safety, we have allotted 30 minutes between each session to allow for our clients to check out and rebook their appointments and for the staff to sanitize the treatment rooms and prepare for the next client. Our outer doors are always locked when we are working with our clients. You should receive a text message from us 24 hours in advance of your appointment. Please reply with either YES to confirm that you will be attending your appointment with us or NO if you should need to reschedule your appointment.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Cosmetic-Surgery Clients