Manual Lymphatic Drainage

We are Certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Post Cosmetic MLD Recovery

Start your recovery process with Licensed and Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapists

How Manual Lymphatic Drainage Works

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a specialized massage technique that targets the lymphatic system. This therapeutic approach aims to facilitate the natural flow of lymphatic fluid throughout the body, helping to remove toxins, waste products, and excess fluid. MLD follows a specific sequence of gentle, rhythmic movements designed to stimulate and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system.
Unlike the circulatory system with the heart as its pump, the lymphatic system relies on movements, such as muscle contractions and diaphragmatic breathing, to circulate lymphatic fluid.

However, factors such as injury, surgery, infections, a sedentary lifestyle, or a compromised immune system can cause disruption to the lymphatic flow. This disruption can result in stagnant lymphatic fluid and lead to swelling, water retention, and compromised immune function. This is where Manual Lymphatic Drainage comes in.

During an MLD session, a skilled practitioner uses gentle, rhythmic hand movements to stimulate the lymphatic vessels, encouraging the movement of fluid through the lymphatic system. The practitioner's hands create precise, wave-like motions that mimic the natural pumping action of the lymphatic vessels. The gentle pressure applied during MLD helps to stretch the skin and underlying tissues, promoting the opening of lymphatic vessels. This allows the excess fluid to enter those vessels, facilitating its transport towards the lymph nodes for filtering and cleansing.

Week 1-2: What to Expect Post Surgery

No matter what your reason is for choosing plastic surgery, you need to ensure that you get the proper aftercare. You are investing a lot of time and money into yourself. You want the best options for recovery. That is where MLD comes in to play. Starting 48 hours post surgery, your therapist will apply soft and gentle movement of your lymphatic system. This helps to move inflammation away from your surgical site and decreases the chances of you getting fibrosis.

Plus, having and MLD therapist is like having a team mate in your recovery process. Someone who will walk the recovery journey with you. Don’t rely on Facebook and YouTube for your recovery. Set up your first consultation with your therapist prior to your surgery so that you can get all of the answers and book your first appointment.

Below you will find a PDF with easy at-home exercises, as well as tips and FAQs for the first two weeks post surgery.

Week 3-4: What to Expect During Recovery

During these weeks, you may notice certain changes in your body. Your compression garments may fit looser, your body may feel firmer. This is normal. It is important to stay hydrated, move, and continue MLD to allow your body to complete its healing process.

Below you will find a PDF with information on how to help your recovery at home, tips and exercise, and FAQs.

Week 5-8: Expediting Your Recovery & Maintenance

Your body has been healing from surgery for weeks now. MLD has helped stimulate that healing by moving your lymphatic system. In addition to your MLD sessions in our office, there are several things that you can do at home to expedite and maintain your post surgical recovery. These include diet, hydration, exercise, posture, and compression.

The PDF below covers many different methods patients can use at home to speed up their recovery and maintain their post surgical results.